About Us


The Victorias City Water District (VCWD) was formed on September 12, 1978 through Resolution No. 265. This was passed by the Sangguniang Bayan to cover the entire City of Victorias.  The resolution was filed with LWUA on September 20, 1978 and a Conditional Certificate of Conformance (CCC) No. 070 was subsequently issued to the VCWD on December 4, 1978.  With its creation, the VCWD took over the ownership and management of the waterworks system from the municipal government in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 198, otherwise known as the Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973.

The VCWD is an autonomous quasi-public corporation which is politically free from the local government. As constituted, the water district is subject to the provisions of PD 198 and to the rules and regulations of LWUA. The water district can promulgate its own operational laws through its five-member Board of Directors.

The VCWD was formed for the purpose of acquiring, installing, improving, maintaining, and operating the water supply system as well as any future wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal facilities of the district. To realize these objectives, the VCWD can avail itself of financial and technical assistance from LWUA. PD 198 provides, however, that the water district operate eventually on a financially self-sufficient basis.

The VCWD has recently started receiving assistance in its institutional development from the LWUA Regulatory Department.  Advisory services are conducted by a LWUA advisory team to guide the water district towards self-sufficiency and provide assistance in the preparation and implementation of their improvement programs. It is anticipated that with the advisory team’s guidance, the VCWD will soon adopt new systems and procedures in the operation and maintenance of the water system.


The city of Victorias, is located at the northern part of Negros Occidental, about 34 km northeast of Bacolod City. The city has an area of 21,780 hectares divided into the poblacion and 26 barangays.


Victorias is generally a flat area, interspersed with rolling hills and rivers.  Eighty-five percent (85 %) of its total land area is planted with sugar cane. The rest is fertile land suited for rice and other crops, small fishponds, the human settlement. The average elevation of the present service area is 10 M above mean sea level.

The soil type in Victorias consists of loose and sandy loam in the southern area bordering the Malogo River and sticky Lousina clay in the northern area facing Manapla.

Victorias falls under the third type of climate, characterized as having a short dry season without a pronounced maximum rainy period. The dry season occurs from April to June while the rainy season is from July to March.


We commit ourselves to deliver quality and sufficient water service to our consumers who have entrusted their need with us.

We shall nurture a team of dedicated well-trained and service oriented individuals who will adhere to the highest standards of competence and work ethics.

We shall continue to improve our services, Facilities and equipment to satisfy our role as the prime provider of this basic need in life in the abundance and in the most affordable way.


 To be a PREMIERE PROVIDER OF WATER for the people of Victorias City and all its transients and guest and a SYMBOL OF QUALITY AND EXCELLENCE in the delivery of this most important basic commodity with skilled, competent and Compassionate workers.

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